


无畏之心/追击枕边谜 [蓝光原盘 DIY简繁中字] Kahaani.2012.Blu-Ray.1080P.H264.DTS-HDMA-george.c 4

蓝鸟 发表于 2020-3-12 23:19:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
无畏之心 豆瓣评分: 8.0分
片长:123 Mins分钟 (2012年上映)
类型:剧情 惊悚 
导演:苏乔伊·高什 Sujoy Ghosh
字幕: 其他 

简 介

  Vidya Bagchi从伦敦来到加尔各答寻找她失踪的丈夫。她怀着七个月的身孕只身来到这个正在庆祝杜尔迦女神节的城市,开始一段艰难残酷的寻夫旅程。她只能依靠自己对丈夫残缺的记忆,当所有人都试图劝说她,她的丈夫并不存在时,所有线索似乎走向了死局。她渐渐意识到,所有事情不是像他们表面看来那样的。整个城市都浸没在谎言中,Vidya决定为了她自己和肚里未出生的孩子——揭开他丈夫失踪的谜团与真相——甚至不惜牺牲她个人的生命。
  A pregnant woman"s search for her missing husband takes her from London to Kolkata, but everyone she questions denies having ever met her husband.
   Kolkata is abuzz with the preparations for the annual Durga Puja festival, as seven months pregnant Vidya Bagchi steps off the airplane from London. Her first stop is the local police station to file a missing person report. Weeks ago, her husband Arnab arrived in India for a job assignment. The first two weeks, they talked daily on the phone, and then without explanation, his calls stopped. Everywhere Vidya turns, no one can remember Arnab. There is no trace of him at the guest house or his workplace. But Vidya will not give up her search. Somewhere in Kolkata she will discover the dangerous truth.
      Vidya Bagchi arrives in Kolkata from London to find her missing husband. Seven months pregnant and alone in a festive city, she begins a relentless search for her husband. With nothing to rely on except fragments from her memories about him, all clues seem to reach a dead end when everyone tries to convince Vidya that her husband does not exist. She slowly realizes that nothing is what it seems. In a city soaked in lies, Vidya is determined to unravel the truth about her husband - for herself    and her unborn child - even at the cost her own life.


无畏之心/追击枕边谜 [蓝光原盘 DIY简繁中字] Kahaani.2012.Blu-Ray.1080P.H264.DTS-HDMA-george.c 4 ...

无畏之心/追击枕边谜 [蓝光原盘 DIY简繁中字] Kahaani.2012.Blu-Ray.1080P.H264.DTS-HDMA-george.c 4 ...

无畏之心/追击枕边谜 [蓝光原盘 DIY简繁中字] Kahaani.2012.Blu-Ray.1080P.H264.DTS-HDMA-george.c 4 ...

无畏之心/追击枕边谜 [蓝光原盘 DIY简繁中字] Kahaani.2012.Blu-Ray.1080P.H264.DTS-HDMA-george.c 4 ...

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无畏之心/追击枕边谜 [蓝光原盘 DIY简繁中字] Kahaani.2012.Blu-Ray.1080P.H264.DTS-HDMA-george.c 4

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